משפט אחד ביום בועידת האדריכלים

Producing Marketing Events: All About the Difference Between Event Concept and Theme

Event concept is one of the broadest and most confusing terms in the field of experiential marketing, and it can be found in other industries as well, such as creative, events, graphic design, writing, content production, and more. A concept is the ideational connection between design, message, and audience. A concept is the idea on which marketing activity and its form of communication to the target audience will be based.

Here’s the English translation:

So what’s the difference between an event concept and a theme? A theme, or “topic,” is a visual wrapper that unifies different applications in a project. For example: at an event with themes like “Superheroes” or “Tropical Summer,” it’s very easy to connect visually. These topics are familiar and our brain conjures up thousands of associative images, which makes identification and orientation easier. It’s very easy to use this look, but on the other hand, it creates a sense of genericity and the result is a detachment of the final appearance from the brand’s messages and missing your target audience.

When it comes to producing marketing events, when there’s no concept and only a theme is used, the products are “flattened” and reduced to just a visual experience. This situation leaves out a wide sensory range and rich strategic content worlds for unique, deep, and long-term implementation of messages among your target audience.

How can you still connect experiential marketing activity with brand values? Why was this direction chosen and not another? Where does the company come into play? What does this say about my brand? These questions and many more will lead to cracking a meaningful concept that works in a fundamental and long-term way. The process of building a concept is complex and requires research and understanding of the brand’s DNA.

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Architects Conference

Hold on, let’s take a case study as an example

In developing the concept for producing a marketing event: “The Annual Architects’ Conference,” we proposed a clear methodology of internal and external research. Additionally, we collected data, conducted interviews with guests and clients. We examined activities in the field, researched trends in worlds related to lifestyle, architecture, interior design, and styling. We analyzed competitors’ activities, characterized the market segment the activity is aimed at, and extracted the ESP (emotional selling point), which is essentially the significant differentiation line for the work.

A quality concept carries your brand values, a differentiating message, and connects your community in a meaningful way

Design That Leaves a Personal Mark’ Architects and creators are driven by a “credo”, a desire to leave a mark and ideological prominence, and the messages of the Design Forum aligned fully with these values. In the concept development process, we understood that the topic would be expressed not only in the conference name “leave your mark” and in the visual communication, but also in the stage line-up. We chose Ido Greenberg (“One Sentence a Day”) to host the event with additional interpretation, content, and connection between the conference messages and his personal story. This connection added depth to the conference topics and deepened the concept in an experiential and moving way. This is, of course, just one example illustrating the difference between an event concept and a theme.
Ido Greenberg hosts the Architects' Conference with the theme "LEAVE YOUR MARK"

When it comes to producing marketing events, refining messages, working with brand values, and incorporating carefully curated content turn a concept event into a precise internal and external organizational marketing tool. A quality concept carries your brand values. A distinguishing message connects your community in a valuable and long-term manner. This is also true for internal organizational events, which are always part of employer branding. A tight concept connects the team to their valuable and vital place in the organization and turns them into ambassadors.

Our role and yours is to illuminate and create the human connection to the brand and values throughout the year. So the next time you approach producing a company event, conference, or convention, give it some thought and you’ll be able to strengthen your brand and generate more significant value for customers or employees.

You’re invited to see a few more details about this wonderful project!

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